Useful Campus Equity Week Links

Hi All:

With Campus Equity Week (Oct. 21st-25th) around the corner, I would share some materials with you which can give some context as to what Campus Equity Week is about.

Campus Equity Week is about recognizing the manifestations of inequity on college campuses first with regard to teaching working conditions, but also, by extention, student learning conditions. It is also about communicating these concerns beyond contingent faculty to our respective campus communities at large.

The underfunding of public education, coupled with an economic business model built around providing workers “flexibility” in the forms of “at will” labor with no benefits, has left many students, faculty and staff economically challenged and impairs our collective capacity to create better outcomes for our students.

My hope is that you and/or the students you work with will have the opportunity to participate in Campus Equity Week events however you choose or address them at your respective campuses.

Below I have provided links videos and articles which speak to the issues of adjunctification, student housing and food insecurity, and the “gig economy” impact on students and workers.

You may want to share them with students in your classes to either give them a sense of what Campus Equity Week is all about, whether you discuss it in your classes or not.

In solidarity,

Geoff Johnson

AFTACC President


Growing number of college professors in poverty

Adjunct Professors in the Gig Economy

The Death of an Adjunct

The Contingent Campus – Adjunctification And The Growth Of The Academic “Precariat”

Homeless San Jose State Professor Forced To Live In Her Car

Student Food and Housing Insecurity

Student Homelessness & Basic Needs Insecurity

Survey: 1 In 5 LA Community College District Students Homeless

Homeless Student 

The Hope Center 

How Higher Ed Funding Has Fared in All 50 State Since the Recession

The Gig Economy

What is the Gig Economy? How it Works, Benefits, and More.

The Recession Hasn‘t Ended for Gig Economy Workers

The Gig Economy is Fueled by Exploitation, Not Innovation

‘Gig Economy’ Work is too Precarious for College Students


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