
From the San Diego area, we are West Coast adjuncts who are weary of the exploitative and oppressive system of part-time employment in higher education.  The trend of the last several decades seems to be near its finish; how long before we have over 90% adjunct employment?  This is a crisis.  Our intent, as professors of various disciplines, is to give voice to the adjunct experience, expose the corporatization of higher education and argue in support of a plan to convert  adjunct positions to tenure-track positions immediately.

Currently, the two individuals primarily responsible for the selection and production of the content of this web log are Geoff Johnson, and John R. Hoskins. Geoff and John teach English and Humanities at various colleges in the San Diego area. John Rall, who helped design this site, currently lives in northern California and teaches at Mendocino Community College.

Opinions in reposts or guest posts do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editors.

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