Exposing the Outrageous Pay Gap in Academia

The Clever Stunt Four Professors Just Pulled to Expose the Outrageous Pay Gap in Academia



Cawsey and her colleagues decided they’d skewer the University of Alberta’s comparatively modest participation in the top-heavy university economy, and have a few laughs while they were at it.

“As you will see from our CVs,” the group writes, “we are eminently suited to fill this position. Indeed, we believe that by job-sharing this position, we would be able to do a better job than any one person could do—and the salary is certainly ample enough to meet the needs of all four of us. Indeed,” they continue, “for many of us one-fourth of your proposed minimum salary would double or triple our current wage.” They are quick to point out the advantages of a four-for-one deal, quipping: “We will even share one academic gown.”

See more here


#AdjunctChat Topic June 3 ~ Adjuncts on the Dole (with @whowewilltobe)

In California, unemployment wages are guaranteed to adjunct, but we still have to fight for them. The application is changed every year; one wrong answer triggers an interview, which postpones the payment sometimes for weeks. However, for adjuncts, claiming unemployment wages is claiming a small portion of wages you have already earned. It is no more shameful than collecting a paycheck, but it is absurd. An adjunct moment I once had reveals a flashpoint: a tenured once remarked to me that she also was unemployed during the summer break, but could not draw unemployment wages. Was she envious? Was she angry? Did she feel left out? She certainly was clueless.


Twitter_ChatThe topic for the #AdjunctChat on Tuesday, June 3 at 4:00pm EDT is:

Adjuncts on the Dole: Eliminating the Shame of Applying for Public Assistance

The chat will be facilitated by Bri O’Blivion @whowewilltobe.

Many adjunct and part-time higher education instructors struggle earning a living through teaching multiple courses, often at multiple universities, frequently barely making enough income to survive. Moreover, it is increasingly a situation where some are seeking public assistance just to survive. Does this resonate with your experiences? Want to challenge the stigma associated with all this? Want to chat?

Our discussion will focus on these questions:

Q1: When do you most need state support? #AdjunctChat

Q2: Tell us about your experiences during application. #AdjunctChat

Q3: How do you rationalize your emotional response? #AdjunctChat

Q4: How can we help dissolve the humiliation that we feel? #AdjunctChat

All adjunct, contingent, part-time, visiting, and non-tenure track instructors, along…

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